Term Insurance: Big Protection at Affordable Rates

Term Insurance: Big Protection at Affordable Rates

There will likely be periods in your life when your financial responsibilities increase to the point where acquiring a significant amount of life insurance would be prudent. When you are expecting to become a parent, for example. You not only have to be concerned about your own individual financial health, but will want to ensure your child is financially taken care of, possibly even including college.

When you get married, your responsibilities will probably increase and taken on a mortgage for a home will also create a need for significantly more life insurance. Should you go in business for yourself or with a partner, your financial responsibilities also increase. These are all times when term insurance could play a significant role.

Term insurance is a form of life insurance that provides coverage on the insured’s life. It provides this coverage only for a specific time period. For example, should you purchase a home with a 30 year mortgage, you may acquire a 30 year term life insurance policy.  If you have a child, a 20 or 25 year term policy would cover you until they would reach adulthood.

Term life insurance is so valuable in these situations because it can be significantly less expensive on a per-thousand basis than whole life insurance. When young and healthy, a significant amount of term life insurance can be surprisingly affordable.

If you are in or entering a “high-responsibility” portion of your life, it is time to consider getting life insurance in the amount your family deserves, and we can help. As independent agents, we offer life insurance protection from multiple companies. These are  respected companies we are familiar with and have relationships with. We provide them your basic information and they will generate a quote for you. You choose the company, coverage and premium that suits your situation and your budget. There’s no obligation to discuss your potential life insurance needs and to get a quote. Just contact us today and answer a few simple questions. Soon, your family can have the protection it needs and you will have the peace of mind you deserve.

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