Reasons You Should Invest in a Dash Cam

Have you heard of the dashboard cameras for your car, or viewed the video footage they have thus far provided? Like the lady who caught a guy on camera taking her car for a joyride when he was supposed to be servicing her car, and the vehicle break-ins? These cameras are becoming more well-known, and soon, possibly, they’ll become mandatory in our cars. Here’s a look at how they can benefit our lives.

  1. Provide evidence of car accidents.

These cameras can show us by video surveillance who is at fault for car accidents, preventing insurance fraud.

  1. Reporting crazy drivers.

In the case that you witness a reckless or drunk driver, you can provide video evidence to the courts if need be, keeping our roads safe.

  1. Helpful features.

Some of these cameras have helpful features, including a parking mode camera to help you successfully park your car every time. Some may include a GPS system to get you where you need to go. Also, certain cameras have a light that comes on at night when motion is detected to scare off any thieves.

  1. Capturing all the weird, random stuff you see.

Ever seen a car with a really nutty paint job you would have loved to capture? Or maybe a couple of funny bumper stickers you want to remember later? There are some pretty crazy things that these cameras have captured if you YouTube a few videos.

  1. Aesthetic purposes.

These cameras can capture your entire road trip and all the beauty you witnessed. With footage of the mountains, trees, oceans, whatever your vacation entails, you can relive it another time if you want.

 By: KayLynn

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