Positioning Yourself as an Expert in Your Business

Positioning Yourself as an Expert in Your Business

One of the best things you can do to ensure the success of your business is positioning it, and you, as experts in your industry. Consumers seek out the help of those they perceive as knowledgeable and knowledge builds trust. When it came to their business acumen in the past, some business owners took the “If I told you I would have to kill you” approach to their expertise. Today, more businesses and their owners are realizing the value of sharing that knowledge.

Here are some steps you can take to position yourself as an expert in your business.

Start a Business Related Blog

A blog is one of the best ways to communicate with those interested in your product and services. Provide tips, tricks and advice. Offer insider tricks and ways to use your product or service more effectively. Make sure you promote your blog and its latest topics on your website and social media. Send emails out promoting your latest blog. Blog content will also eventually help you improve your search engine rankings.

Offer to Write a Column for Your Local Newspaper

Many local newspapers appreciate getting local content for free. If not, offer to “sponsor” a “How To” article each week. Readers will eventually view you as the “go to” person in your market.

Film a Series of Short Videos

Creating your own video channel and creating quality content is easier than ever. Demonstrate products and show viewers how to get more value from them. “How To” videos are extremely popular. The more knowledge you can share, the more of an expert you will appear to be.

Write News Stories on Timely Topics

If there is an event in the news that impacts your industry, write a short news story about it and submit it to local media. You can provide advice on how to avoid scams, how to take advantage of market situations and where to come for help!

Offer to Speak at Local Service Clubs

If you are in real estate, offer to talk about how low mortgage rates are. If you are in auto sales, talk about the future of autonomous cars. Speak in broader terms about your business without “selling”. Provide knowledge, not a sales pitch.

Positioning yourself as an expert takes time and effort. The benefits however, can be long-lasting.

If you are looking for expertise in business insurance, we invite you to reach out to our team of business insurance professionals. They can take the hassles out of shopping for business insurance. Get just the coverage you need at a price you can afford. Contact us today.

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